Raise Right Enrollment Code-A6399D1L1346
What is Raise Right and why should I participate?
Raise Right (also known as SCRIP) is fundraising while you shop at places you already go. SCRIP is a gift card or certificate bought through the school at a discount then sold to you at face value. SCRIP sells many popular gift cards including Casey's, Hawkeye Convenience Stores, Fareway, Walmart, Target, Cost Cutters and many more. SCRIP gift cards are available for endless places that you are already going to-fast food, salons, restaurants, retail, travel, home improvement stores, the mall and more. The difference is then split 50/50 with All Saints School for technology initiatives and your family.
You could use your SCRIP earnings to help reduce tuition expenses at All Saints Preschool/All Saints School/Regis/Xavier and for Religious Education. It also can be applied to Childcare, Teachers Assistance Fund, Scholarship Fund, All Saints Church, Haiti Fund, Metro Catholic Outreach (Loaves and Fish) or it may also be applied towards another family's tuition such as a grandchild or any student. You may decide where you would like it to go.
Anyone can buy SCRIP-multiply your SCRIP earning by having your business, friends and relatives (especially grandparents) designate their earnings for your child's tuition or the rebate can be designated to go to any of the above funds.
More Information
Last year, your SCRIP purchases earned over $28,000 back to you and All Saints School. Half of these dollars went to the area of your choice such as tuition. The other half of these dollars go to fund technology purchases at All Saints School. When you purchase SCRIP gift cards, each retailer participating gives percentage of your card value back. Scrip accrues this revenue and applies your earnings from the year to the area of your choice in August. If you aren’t already participating in SCRIP, it is not too late to start!
Drop off an order to the SCRIP mailbox by childcare. Let us know where you want to pick up your order.
Rather shop online? We have a SCRIP website at www.raiseright.com as well as a mobile SCRIP site at RaiseRight . Sign up for an account, and you can select from hundreds of SCRIP from local and national retailers. E-gift cards are also available for over 250 retailers-and many retailers also will accept SCRIP on your mobile device. Click the "Join a program" button and use A6399D1L1346 as your enrollment code.
Questions? Contact us at scrip@allsaintscr.com or stop by the SCRIP Table after Masses.
Thanks for your support of RAISE RIGHT/SCRIP at All Saints!!